Rhythm And Meter
In music, we keep time by using a time signature. It is also called time, as in 6/8 time or 3/4 time. The time
signature looks like a fraction, as indicated below:
The upper number indicates the no. of beats to a measure.
The lower number represents the note value (for instance, in 4/4 meter, each quarter note will be one beat in 4/4)
Note: 4/4 meter is also designated sometimes with a "C"
symbol instead of the usual "4/4" fraction.
This symbol is
called common time, so called because most of the time,
4/4 meter is the most prevalent of all other meters.
Here is another example of a time signature:
This means that there are beats to a measure (upper number,
"6"), and each eighth note (lower number, "8"), receives
one beat.
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